
This module provide support for aligned  memory.

pure nothrow @nogc void*  nextAlignedPointer(void* start, size_t alignment);

next pointer aligned with alignment bytes.

nothrow @nogc void*  alignedMalloc(size_t size, size_t alignment);

Allocates an aligned memory chunk.

Functionally equivalent to Visual C++ aligned_malloc.

nothrow @nogc void  alignedFree(void* aligned);

Frees aligned memory allocated by alignedMalloc or alignedRealloc.

Functionally equivalent to Visual C++ aligned_free.

nothrow @nogc void*  alignedRealloc(void* aligned, size_t size, size_t alignment);

Reallocates an aligned memory chunk allocated by alignedMalloc or  alignedRealloc.

Functionally equivalent to Visual C++ aligned_realloc.

nothrow bool  isCalledByGC();

Destructors called by the GC enjoy a variety of limitations and

relying on them is dangerous.

See Also
class Resource




if (!alreadyClosed)


if (isCalledByGC())

assert(false, "Resource release relies on Garbage Collection");

alreadyClosed = true;





nothrow void  ensureNotInGC(string resourceName = null);

Crash if the GC is running.

Useful in destructors to avoid reliance GC resource release.

See Also

auto  mallocEmplace(T, Args...)(Args args);

Allocates and construct a struct or class object.

Newly allocated object.

void  destroyFree(T)(T p) if (is(T == class));

Destroys and frees a class object created with mallocEmplace.

void  destroyFree(T)(T* p) if (!is(T == class));

Destroys and frees a non-class object created with mallocEmplace.

nothrow @nogc void  debugBreak();

Inserts a breakpoint instruction. useful to trigger the debugger.

Must return -1 if a < b

0 if a == b

1 if a > b

nothrow @nogc void  nogc_qsort(T)(T[] array, nogcComparisonFunction!T comparison);

@nogc quicksort

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